4 November 2023 at the Site of the BOC Memorial
Saw Avenue Kings Park WA
To celebrate the commencement of construction for the Battle of Crete Memorial the Chairman of the Committee, Mr Bill Evangel, invited guests to attend the Sod Turning Event at King’s Park.
Mr Mike McDonald, a member of the Committee performed the duties of MC and welcomed all present to the event.
Bill Evangel thanked all the dignitaries for their participation in the event and for their support over a number of years. He also thanked the members of the Committee and all others present who played a role in the development of this project. He noted the importance of the memorials design attributed to Smith Sculptors (Joan and Charlie were in attendance) and in particular the strong symbolism portrayed within the design.
All speakers warmly welcomed and acknowledged our guest of honour, Arthur Leggett OAM who at the age of 105 is one of the remaining two survivors of the Battle. His presence was warmly accepted by all present and not surprisingly everyone wanted to have chat with him.

In addition the following dignitaries attended the ceremony.
The Hon Paul Papalia CSC MLA, The Hon Dan Caddy MLC , The Hon Patrick Gorman MP, Mr Duncan Anderson – President of the RSL, Vince Connelly – CEO of the RSLWA, Alan Barrett CEO of the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority and Mr Richard Sandover, our co patron.
Mr Paul Papalia and Mr Patrick Gorman were invited to speak. The short sharp speeches were punctuated by a high level of support and enthusiasm for the project. A desire to be in attendance at the final dedication was also evident displaying the unwavering support for the completion of this long awaited project.
After the conclusion of the speeches Mr McDonald requested a number of the signatories to “get up and do some work” by joining in with Mr Leggett to turn the sod.
Mr Leggett was joined by Mr Paul Papalia, Mr Patrick Gorman, Mr Richard Sandover Mr Bill Evangel, Mr Dan Caddy, Mr Duncan Anderson and Dr Ken Michael to formally turn the sod.
Turning The Sod
Ken Michael Bill Evangel Duncan Anderson Richard Sandover Arthur Leggett Paul Papalia Patrick Gorman Dan Caddy
A word of thanks
Thanks to Lotterywest for supplying banners and a ceremonial shovel at no cost. Also thanks to the Cretan Brotherhood and the Greek Macedonian Club for providing the seating.
Miss Maude provided the catering whilst Catherine Papanastasiou and Manoli Yeroyannakis (also Committee members) took care of managing the food and drinks. Manoli also set up the on-site infrastructure and personally provided the public address system, the lectern and the gazebo.
All available Committee members were in attendance classifying the morning as a very successful event held in a positive and happy atmosphere.
Thanks to Jessamy Welfare for her photos.